New Fire and EMS Skid Units Placed into Service for ATV44
By Battalion Chief John Sly
November 7, 2011

On Monday, November 7th, 2011 the finalization of our ATV skid unit project was completed when our custom made "skid tray holders" were delivered to the fire station.

In July, the Fire Company purchased two skid units for usage on our 2011 Polaris Ranger ATV. Each skid unit is specifically tasked for a purpose; one skid is devoted to medical transport, and the other is equipped for firefighting and rescue operations.

Partial funding for the skids was provided by a grant we received from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry Division.

Once these skid units arrived, we placed equipment in service to complement each skid; medical equipment was placed on the medical skid and firefighting tools and a chainsaw were placed on the fire skid.

It was determined that we would need an easy way of removing each skid unit from the ATV when not in use. Battalion Chief Sly worked with our neighbors at the Paulsonbilt Corporation in Valley Township to devise a tray and system for removing the heavier firefighting skid.

Without hesitation, the crews at Paulsonbilt agreed to create a custom tray for each skid tray.

Since placing these skids into service, the ATV has been utilized for numerous public details and events and will be readily available for use in case of an off road emergency.

We owe a great deal of gratitude to the good people at Paulsonbilt for their assistance in making this project a reality at no charge to our fire company. Companies like this allow us to continue to provide a cost effective service to our community -- THANK YOU!

Units: ATV44