Assisting Pomeroy with Working House Fire
By Fire Chief Randy Scott
January 30, 2010

The Westwood Fire Company was dispatched January 30 at 11:10 to assist the Pomeroy Fire Company with a reported house fire on Lyons Lane, in East Fallowfield Township. Engine 44-5 responded at 11:14 with a crew of 4. Initial reports from Chester County 911 where that the house was "FULLY" involved. Assistant Chief Pacana from the City of Coatesville was the first officer on scene and reported a single story structure with heavy fire throughout.

Engine 44-5 was the second in piece, operated by Captain Deckman and was given the orders by "Command" to pick up the 5" water supply line which was laid down the long driveway and supply Engine 29-5. Our Pumper Tanker acted as the "nurse tanker" which is when the incoming tankers will pump off their water into our truck and we then send to the Attack Engine. Captain Deckman estimated that over 15,000 gallons of water where sent thru our pump and down the supply line to the attack engine.

Crews began an aggressive interior attack on the fast moving fire! Due to the amount of fire and the multiple layers of asphalt shingles, the roof collapses in on the structure causing several fire fighters having to evacuate the structure. Once the bulk of the fire was knocked down, crews went back inside to finish putting out the flames.
Crews then had to make the difficult task of ascending to the once roof area to attempt to cut away and remove the balance of the roof which did not fall in and burn.

Due to the many fire stations from the western part of Chester County which where dispatched to help assist with the fire, our friends from Lancaster County, Gordenville Fire Company relocated their "pumper tanker" with a crew of 6 to our fire station. During their stay, Command requested Gordenville to respond to the scene to assist with overhaul operations. They then returned to Westwood to assist us with getting our apparatus back in service.

Engine 44-5 was released from the scene at 14:00 and was back in service at 15:00. Also we would like to thank the Pomeroy Fire Company for arranging food and hot drinks to be sent to the scene. Thank you.